Poems in class / Poèmes en classe d'anglais

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En construction


Poetry for the younger ones

John Chipman Farrar

Roald Dahl

CJ Dennis

the Music of Your Voice

Rose Fyleman


Charles Lamb

Choosing a name

Edward Lear

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat


There was a young lady of Niger

Beatrix Potter

Three Blind Mice

Poetry for the Lycée

Maya Angelou

W.H. Auden

Rupert Brooke

The Soldier

Roald Dahl


Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers

Robert Frost

Edgar Guest


Adrian Henri

Talking after Christmas Blues

Langston Hughes

I too

Jenny Joseph

Warning : when I am old,I shall wear purple

Rudyard Kipling

Henry Longfellow

Ultima thule: the tide rises, the tide falls

Frank O'Hara

lines for the fortune cookies

Wilfried Owen

Anthem For Doomed Youth

Dorothy Parker

Symptom Recital

Tupac Shakur



the Lady of Shalott

Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night

Walt WHitman

I sit and look out


I Wandered lonely as a cloud

William Butler Yeats