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Three people to jail for three years, the warden had given them a requirement of three one. Americans love cigars, cigar boxes to three. The most romantic French to accompany a beautiful woman. The Jews said that he communicate with the outside world to a telephone. Three years later, the first coming out of the Americans, mouth nose stuffed cigar, shouted: "Give me fire, give me fire!" It turned out he forgot to fire up. Then out of the French. I saw his hand holding a child, a beautiful woman hand holding a child, belly pregnant with the third. Finally out of the Jews, he was tightly holding the hand of the governor, said: "This is three years, my daily contact with the outside world, my business has not stopped, but increased by 200%, to thank, I will give you a Laoshilaisi! "

This story tells us what kind of choice to decide what kind of life. Today's life is our choice by the decision three years ago, but today we will determine our choice of life after three years. We have to choose contact with the latest information, see the latest trends, thus creating a better future themselves. [1] ; Wholesale Five fingers shoes