Agrégation Interne : compilation des faits de langue à partir de la session 2014

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  • A partir de 2014, L'explication de faits de langue ne consistera plus en l’établissement d’une typologie mais en l’analyse de deux ou trois segments préalablement repérés par le jury. La durée envisagée pour cette partie de l'épreuve (une dizaine de minutes) et le niveau d'exigence resteront les mêmes que dans le format précédent. La consigne se présentera sous la forme : « Le candidat proposera une analyse linguistique des segments soulignés dans le texte ».

Faits de langue session 2015

  • The sea will ebb and flow, heaven show his face
  • Might shake off fifty, looking in her eye
  • I know you did
  • For here he doth demand to have repaid
  • The tongues of mocking wenches are as keen / As is the razor's edge invisible
  • Good madam, if by me you'll be advised
  • Gwen Van Osburgh, with all the guileless confidence of a young girl who has always been told that there is no one richer than her father
  • It was not that she wanted them to be more disinterested
  • It was the strangest part of Lily's strange experience, the hearing of these names
  • That Lily was a star fallen from that sky did not, after the first stir of curiosity had subsided, materially add to their interest in her
  • I'd known a gentleman where I was employed
  • Only it's so lovely having you here, and letting you see just how you've helped me.
  • Then she returned to her calculations; but figure as she would, she could not conjure back the vanished three hundred dollars
  • she could get no zest from the thought of victory
  • Then I could start asking him what did he think he had done
  • Every grandchild in Jubilee must have a birthday in March
  • Hazel had got up and was ironing a dress to wear to work
  • but the old woman would not budge
  • I don’t actually see that much of them any more
  • and she knew then what they had told me
  • and he assured me wherever we went it would be a repetition of the same all over the country
  • It was my full impression that one-fourth of those we saw were in a dying state, beyond the reach of any relief that could now be afforded
  • I may be told that I avail myself unfairly of an extraordinary calamity to prove the defects of our present system
  • but on such a calamity, should it ever happen, which God forbid, the Scotch will not submit
  • all these are circumstances beyond the experience of the Greek historian or the Latin poet, and such as an Irish pestilence alone could produce
  • They were only flying from one form of death
  • It was therefore left to the Relief Committee
  • Relief was discontinued to fifty-five unions
  • It is time to provide a smashing answer for those cynical men who say that a democracy cannot be honest and efficient.
  • If you will help, this can be done
  • He succeeded in establishing a legend about himself – a legend of invincibility – which it will be hard to dissipate.
  • He found it and played upon it skillfully, first of all in what may be called the lower levels of society in Louisiana
  • those who did leave encountered a great deal of difficulty in finding new places to settle
  • the genuine protection of the people's property
  • It goes without saying

Faits de langue session 2014

Les faits de langue corrigés dans le rapport sont signalés par une astérique.

  • It is because you are not satisfied
  • As President of the United States/as the head of the Democratic Party * (fait double)
  • A process of adjustment
  • Are we to be one family
  • a man who has rendered yeoman service
  • The foreign policy that we have been following
  • we have been told that * (fait simple).
  • concocted a story that I had left
  • if you will hang me for it
  • What's mine is yours
  • It is not probable that he will arrive to-night
  • What is that?
  • I take no answer from you
  • no one could have kept a more accurate record
  • in the shape of any magician
  • How beautiful it was - and how she loved beauty!
  • she might even have faced a marriage
  • the look did indeed deepen
  • don't tell me so!
  • what I want is the woman
  • There was a girl in some history book
  • The speech to which we have just listened
  • Are we really now telling this country and the world that…
  • a national humiliation has been wiped out
  • However much we may continue to assert that…