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Littérature GB, Irlande et Commonwealth

Austen (Jane), Pride and Prejudice

Beckett (Samuel), Endgame

Brontë (Charlotte), Jane Eyre

Burns (Robert), The Complete Poems

Conrad (Joseph), Lord Jim

Desai (Anita), In Custody


Ford (Ford Madox), The Good Soldier

Greene (Graham), The Power and the Glory

Quincey (Thomas de), Confessions

Smollett (Tobias), The Adventures of Roderick Random

Sterne (Laurence), Tristram Shandy

Stoker (Bram), Dracula

Walcott (Derek), The Collected Poems

Yeats (W.B.), Selected Poems

Littérature US

Dickinson (Emily), The Complete Poems

Ford (Richard), A Multitude of Sins

Gaines (Ernest J.), The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

Hawthorne (Nathaniel), The Scarlet Letter

O'Connor (Flannery), The Complete Stories

Steineck (John), The Grapes of Wrath

Styron (William), Sophie's Choice

Civilisation GB


Henry VIII

John Locke

John Milton

William Morris

Special Relationship

Royal Academy

Paintings de la Royal Academy

Civilisation US

L'empire de l'exécutif

Le Sud

Lewis and Clark


The Federalist Papers