Discuter:Révoltes et utopies : la contre-culture américaine des années soixante

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  • open question: the New Wave was seen in US cinemas as was mai '68 surely too / The Tlatelolco massacre before the Olympics in Mexico city in 68, too. In short do we expand to the world as seen from the US, or not ?
    • Since the concours are concerned, stick to the USA, there's enough.
  • des suggestions sur la structure de cette page : In the paragraph music, the headings need reworking because zeitgeist is not a fit title, all the songs, groups you mention later whatever the groupings belong to the zeitgeist of the time so...
    • I'm still not convinced by your understanding of the word "zeitgeist". It's not just spirit of the times, but an animated spirit of history. An album like "The Shape of Jazz to Come" or "Bitches Brew" are not overtly political, nor do they lead to social change. They do mark an important aesthetic change. The syncretism (combining of different musical traditions / modes ...

(what would you suggest?)

  • 2.9 et 6.5 pourquoi deux rubriques music ?
    • The Kronos Quartet is a retrospective performance... and a very important one. So I did want to kick it up into bibliography.
  • §2 devrait donner des références générales, il faudrait simplifier le classement. La distinction books et chapters par exemple n'est pas utile. Idem pour la référence à WIkipedia qui n'a pas besoin d'un paragraphe à elle toute seule. Plus la page est courte, plus elle elle est lisible.
    • OK, I've dropped to bold. No need for me to be a fanatic about making the structure appear in the TOC. However I believe teaching the standard headings (for different types of documents) is useful.