Discuter:Révoltes et utopies : la contre-culture américaine des années soixante

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  • open question: the New Wave was seen in US cinemas as was mai '68 surely too / The Tlatelolco massacre before the Olympics in Mexico city in 68, too. In short do we expand to the world as seen from the US, or not ?
    • Since the concours are concerned, stick to the USA, there's enough.
  • des suggestions sur la structure de cette page : In the paragraph music, the headings need reworking because zeitgeist is not a fit title, all the songs, groups you mention later whatever the groupings belong to the zeitgeist of the time so...
    • I'm still not convinced by your understanding of the word "zeitgeist". It's not just spirit of the times, but an animated spirit of history. An album like "The Shape of Jazz to Come" or "Bitches Brew" are not overtly political, nor do they lead to social change. They do mark an important aesthetic change. The syncretism (combining of different musical traditions / modes ...

(what would you suggest?)==>

(dropscone)Either the bibiliography is subjective and the headings are showing interpretation or it is objective and zeitgeist and all the connotations it implies should be erased. Same thing later with the paragraph "on the dark side " about cinema, this is a private joke sort of distiction not an objective one and I don't think agregation students will explore these avenues, Playboy Magazine would be a better accepted reference regarding pornography and sexual liberty becoming a commercial concept. The concours candidates need to write a general essay about the two aspects : societal and political changes and cultural changes. From what I see in the BO , they also need to keep a distance and put all these changes in perspective within US history in terms of freedom, democracy and politics.

Playboy makes it all a bit too fluffy and mainstream, perhaps the story of Larry Flynt would give a hint that something serious was changing during this period, in the margins of the mainstream. To understand how this issue is an important aspect of the birth of audio-visual think about more recent (very oppressive and frightening) developments. This seems to me a legitimate issue worth study within debates on women's liberation, our bodies, our selves, ... dissemination rapide de ce dont il s'agit pour être "Femme actuelle" (+ homme actuelle, mais on en parle moins).

  • 2.9 et 6.5 pourquoi deux rubriques music ?
    • The Kronos Quartet is a retrospective performance... and a very important one. So I did want to kick it up into bibliography.

=> (dropscone) Same remark as above. You are presenting your vision which is surely respectable and informed but my point is that this page is supposed to give indications to people preparing an exam where they will be asked for facts and a global, balanced vision of the whole period and its society. Besides, this work is outside the period of reference, so it can't be in the bibliographic section where only the most important refences should appear. That's what students will look first.

This is a document containing primary texts, music, and audio recordings from Speeches / radio programs from the epoch. I should really add the fascinating bio of the composer [Harry Partch], who lived the life of a Hobo during the depression in the 30s upon returning to the States when the grant money ran out...

  • §2 devrait donner des références générales, il faudrait simplifier le classement. La distinction books et chapters par exemple n'est pas utile. Idem pour la référence à WIkipedia qui n'a pas besoin d'un paragraphe à elle toute seule. Plus la page est courte, plus elle elle est lisible. wikipedia isn't a good reference for the Agreg level, students must read reference books.
    • OK, I've dropped to bold. No need for me to be a fanatic about making the structure appear in the TOC. However I believe teaching the standard headings (for different types of documents) is useful.=> (dropscone)It's already simpler. Though I don't want to be right all the time, I've never seen a bibliography make such distinctions between books ,chapters etc.. The indications given to students regarding bibliographies are usually very different.


We don't often pay attention to these scholarly rules on the wiki (especially to the canonical order : Family name, first name of authors / title of the book/ etc.) because not many people contribute and the wiki pages are updated only if people give tips, we don't want to scare away people by too many indications and as moderators we have enough work as it is. But here you are giving a lot of references so alphabetical order and simplicity are very important.

There are subgroupings, in the music section / cinema section obviously: some sections are organized (or were organized at one point, I forget) by chronological order. I will keep your point in mind.

  • Could you also explain why you write #+ keyword somewhere at the beginning of the page ? I know what it means but I'm not so sure about other people. I also think it doesn't bring clarity to the page layout.

I think that we can assume most people are clever enough to figure out what you did: #+ keyword. The idea is twofold: first, the Wiki syntax is tight, which means it can be treated automatically. The more semantic markup that one finds on a page the more simply that info can be treated by machine -- i.e. entered into a database. So in part, I am coding this info as much as possible in order to be able to exploit it in different ways later. It seems to me that it is also useful to make use of developing standards on Twitter and elsewhere to communicate, and to show people how to add a semantic tag to an element very simply (when they edit).

It is true that these tags might be better hidden (not displayed). That could be accomplished by changing the CSS for the media wiki skin in use.

  • A technical problem has appeared now : AVERTISSEMENT : cette page a une longueur de 38 ko; quelques navigateurs gèrent mal les pages approchant ou dépassant 32 ko lors de leur rédaction. Peut-être serait-il mieux que vous divisiez la page en sections plus petites. I suggest you create a special page for music so that there's room left for books, articles and references to Agreg-INk downloads when they are produced by the Agreg-Inkers.

Good idea. I think this page does indeed need splitting.

  • The time frame is ; the end of the 50's to the begining of the 70's (1955-1975) : Hayden White, "The Historical Text as a Literary Artefact" ; Basquiat and maybe others I haven't seen yet are out of it...

Yes, there is a lag between publication date / moment of artistic expression, and its realization. White was a Stanford prof, involved in a high publicity case in 1972 where he sued the police for counterintelligence. :D Maybe I should make clearer why he is an important figures... For Basquiat, yes, he doesn't belong. And yet he so totally does as an extension of the factory, Harlem in the 70s... Each time I've gone out of date, I have debated about it, but sometimes I may not have made the right choice.