George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss


General information


A biography: from Mary Ann Evens to George Eliot

A Webguide to George Eliot with novels, Web sites, biographies and bibliographies

A mine of information on The Victorian site (biography, social history, political history, imagery, narrative, settings)

George Eliot by Virginia Woolf

Quotations from George Eliot's works: the Wit and Wisdom of George Eliot


Charles Darwin

The writings of Charles Darwin on the Gutenberg Project

The Writings of Charles Darwin of the Web (with links)

A Website dedicated to Charles Darwin About Darwin

The Origin of Species by Ch. Darwin (plus other links) The Origin


Ludwig Feuerbach

A German philosopher who was an early influence to Karl Marx (and to George Eliot)

Feuerbach's works

Feuerbach and the end of classical philosophy: Materialism

A French site about Feuerbach (very slow), with selected quotes Feuerbach in French