rentrée sept 1998 pour les profs d'anglais
titre page d'anglais

Bonne Rentrée 1998 -1999 !
Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein.

It's that time of the year again - new beginnings, new ideas, new hopes, new goals, new faces,
new anticipations... the excitement of the beginning of another school year. Let's go with it -
flow with the unexpected rhythms of the unknown, and hope for a satisfying,
challenging, exciting new school year. The future is now

My birthday Sept. 4th. See what I got

click here

Lesson Plan

Teachers have always been looking for nice things to start the year with! See this suggestion by teachers Ahuva Dotan and Rachel Rakovsky.

Dans les îles des Antilles, la rentrée se fait en saison cyclonique...

The Weather Classroom - lesson plans, experiments and hands-on activities that cover the hows, whys and wonders of weather - from tornadoes to hurricanes, the water cycle to lightning. Weather Glossary - Weather Terms for Storm Spotters.

Children, Stress, and Natural Disasters - A Guide For Teachers
- this site has a teacher's guide and classroom activities for helping children prepare for, survive and deal with a natural disaster.

Teacher Research

argot in egg - gin to garage - antirage go - o great gain - iota anger - air an egg got - garage it not - Toni Garage - go in age tar - ate air gong - Iran oat egg... -- some of the fuzzy anagrams for 'agrégation' delivered by the Wordsmith Anagram Machine.

- first on-line journal dedicated to teacher research.

A conference for teachers
from 4th to 6th September by the British Council, on ESP - English for Specific Purposes. BBC English Production will be putting the conference on the web, with reports on the sessions going up throughout the three days. These reports will include audio, and video the following week. It will be possible to email questions to the participants - and get answers...

Teaching To Standards, ou la machine à fabriquer des crétins
... "If students can memorize all the words to long rap songs they can learn to memorize anything, but they need teachers who can teach without ditto sheets - teach to the other intelligences and learning styles..."

Random Thoughts
- the humanity of teaching. 'It's emotion that directs people--and changes the world. It's not logic; it's not intellect; it's not information; it's not knowledge; it's not learning. We all know in our heads what needs to be done, but until it gets into our hearts nothing will happen. It's not until we have the mist in our eyes; it's not until our breathe is taken away; it's not until our hearts pound; it's not until our palms sweat; it's not until our muscles tighten; it's not until our voices cracks; it's not until we feel a lump in our throats; it's not until we have the passion and compassion that we are moved to moral and ethical action...' from articles by Louis Schmier ('What it takes to be a teacher' - 'The classroom is not a factory' - 'Our mission as educators'...).

TEACHER: How old were you on your last birthday? STUDENT: Seven.
TEACHER: How old will you be on your next birthday? STUDENT: Nine.
TEACHER: That's impossible. STUDENT: No, it isn't, teacher. I'm eight today.

Pédagogie nouvelle,time management : "Les textes officiels continuent d'édicter les temps à consacrer à chaque discipline... et les enseignants à produire des emplois du temps respectant scrupuleusement les durées indiquées et à introduire plus de souplesse dans leur pratique. Cela conduit nécessairement à une situation où tout le monde fait la même chose en même temps et cela interdit toute individualisation du travail. Le contenu, compétences transversales et disciplinaires, de ce que l'enfant doit apprendre est par ailleurs fixé par les "programmes". Il y a fort à parier que personne ne s'est jamais soucié de la correspondance entre les deux. D'ailleurs, le savoir est-il morcelable en disciplines cloisonnées? Les enfants, dans leur différences ont-il besoin du même temps pour acquérir le même savoir? Les textes eux-mêmes reconnaissent que non. Alors, pourquoi garder cette division obsolète et dérisoire du temps qui empêche l'enseignant d'inventer d'autres modes de fonctionnement ?... Les élèves qui sont scolarisés chez eux, les gens qui suivent un enseignement par correspondance, les autodidactes de tout poil n'ont pas cette contrainte du temps imposé. N'est-ce pas pour eux un atout plus qu'un handicap?..."

Multi-age Classrooms - "society is multi-age, families are multi-age, and we wanted the classrooms to reflect real life..." - an experiment.

Getting the attention of weak students.

Less is more" is a tenet at the heart of modern educational pedagogy, for we are promised that the declining amount of classroom time spent on math and English will, somehow, produce students who are better problem-solvers and communicators. More education spending does not necessarily lead to better education...

American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987
by eliminating one olive from each salad served first class!

The "doing less" idea - y a-t-il des tâches dont les élèves pourraient se charger à votre place? Qu'y gagneraient-ils ? Faire moins, intelligemment, permet à l'enseignant de renouveler ses méthodes et de réduire sa charge de travail, tout en enrichissant l'apprentissage.

Giving Children Control
- an article by Zoe Donoahue.

Le CDI à l'heure d'Internet

The art of memory

TEACHER: Tommy, why do you always get so dirty?
TOMMY : Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground then you are!

Edujargon - teachers pet phrases.

From Words to Stories

"Si l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère qui bouleverse les schémas mentaux est vécu comme une agression, tout le travail de l'enseignant doit être de faire de cette langue étrangère un ensemble vivant, porteur de sens et de communication." --Kathleen Julié, Enseigner l'Anglais, Hachette Édu,1995

English Games, and how to create your own, using Java.

Vocabulary University
- Vocabulary words and puzzles to help students or anyone interested in increasing their vocabulary and skills.

Monolingual, bilingual or semi-bilingual dictionaries ? One solution is better training of learners in how to use monolingual dictionaries... A few practices.

Les exercices intéractifs de Lucy Georges, professeur agrégé d'anglais au lycée Jacques Callot à Vandœuvre : grammaire et exercice sur le discours indirect - exercices intéractifs de type bac tiré d'un texte de Steinbeck. Dame Lucy souhaite poursuivre l'expérience avec des collègues volontaires qui auraient des idées, des sujets de bac, des exercices...

Treasure Island - a literature unit for Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island." Activities, games and tests in addition to character and plot discussions. Can be used in the classroom, or as a model for creating other literature units...

Coca-Cola - a site for students and teachers, includes games and quizzes...

Kids love mysteries
- and these can be great for a sequence.

Jeu de rôle en langues vivantes.

Writing Tips

Creatng Portfolios - a file where your students put their important work for the year, et que vous notez en fin d'année.

Essay competition
Have your students try their hand at the Mercedes-Benz essay contest : in 2,000 words or less take us on an adventure to an exotic island or down a winding lane in the English countryside. This could be your ticket to the Autobahn! Deadline for entry is Sep. 15, 1998. Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz of North America Inc. and Lufthansa. Interesting guideline ideas, at least...

MOTHER: Why on earth did you swallow the money I gave you?
JUNIOR: You said it was my lunch money.

Keep the class alive with music !

"...The music set the tone and calmed them as well as calming me. Sometimes a student would stop working for a while and just listen to the music or sing along with the tape, but it didn't bother me because I knew that that same pupil was finally investing time in English studies. As the weeks went on, I would turn off the music for ten minutes in order to "teach" something, and little by little I could turn off the music for longer periods of time in order summarize a point or present some new point, etc. Eventually, after about 4 months or so, I dispensed almost totally with the music, but a learning environment had slowly been established and many students starting feeling good about themselves.

No, it wasn't a utopia and problems in learning and behaviour did appear but it was much easier to cope with the situation.... I can't guarantee that music with solve all our problems, but my experience did strongly show me that while I may not always have the "key" which opens the door for my pupils, it doesn't mean that such a key doesn't exist or that all these pupils are "unteachable". The tough part is finding that key, whether it be through chants, games, hikes, music, computers sports or whatever...-Shneors Zatloff, ETNI - an english Teachers Network.

Internet Resources for Music Teachers. Whether you are a band, orchestra, or vocal/choir teacher, you will find web site links that will enhance your class. Download songs, print folk melodies, teach a four-lecture series on Jazz or join a music teacher organization.

English, Music and Song page.

Collègue hispanisant-e? hisgéo?

Suggest Webspañol - a complete website for Spanish language education and learning resources on the Internet.

Site des historiens-géographes de Midi Pyrénées.

TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I". ELLEN : I is...
TEACHER: No, Ellen. Always say "I am." ELLEN : All right. "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."


WebWhacker is an offline browser that allows you to download entire websites including graphics for offline browsing just in case there is no internet connection at school or the connection doesn't work right when you need it.

Talking of school bag lunches and nutrition.

L'école à l'heure d'Internet

Using the Internet for Research (FAQ)

Get your collègues anglicistes, principals (if they read English), and Inspectors to read this article (actually a set of articles) on
using computers and the Internet in American schools.

Les enjeux du multimédia dans l'éducation, guide pratique de Serge Pouts-Lajus qui dirige l'Observatoire des technologies pour l'éducation en Europe, et Marielle Riché-Magnier, expert auprès de la Commission européenne dans le domaine du multimédia éducatif.

L'école doit vivre avec son temps, nous dit-on, et l'heure est à Internet et au multimédia : voilà qui légitimerait les politiques d'équipement des établissements d'enseignement en ordinateurs et en accès aux réseaux de télécommunication lancées en France et dans tous les pays d'Europe. Et pourtant, depuis près de vingt ans que l'informatique a pénétré les écoles, les collèges et les lycées, elle parvient mal à susciter la pleine adhésion des enseignants.

Lycée Professionnel Artistique Bourdelle de Montauban. - Association Itinéraires.

Bonne page d'anglais technique - celle du CERN, l'endroit ou est né le Web.

"Oh you better start swimmin'
or you'll sink like a stone,
for the times they are a-changin'..."
- Bob Dylan

Why worry ?

The preoccupation with safety and suvival - reflection of an outlook of low expectations ? In a world obsessed with abuse, stranger danger, disease and environmental damage, we are constantly told that we are 'at risk' and urged to take greater precautions and seek more protection. Yet the facts often fail to support the scare stories about new or growing risks to our health and safety. So, why do we panic? And what does the predisposition always to believe the worst about the human condition tell us about the society we live in today?

The stupid Page - this world is indeed full of stupid people, stories, signs,...

Teacher Tales
- true stories from real classrooms.


URL'S are passed on herewith without prejudice! I've not checked all of them out, and make no guarantees that they are still there, or in fact ever were. I take no responsibility for any loss, damage or waste of time in using them. Sorry. But please do tell me if an URL turns out to be useless, or non-existent, so that the information can be kept up-to-date!

Cliquez ici si rien de tout cela ne vous a ému...

ou !

Profs d'Anglais Langue Seconde & Agrégation interne d'anglais
Top Competitive Exam for Teachers Recruitment and Promotion in the French System

externe 99


Pédagogie &



at War

et éducation


Sept 98

avec le Jury

Les médias aux USA

E-mail And
e-mail tips



Traduire, art
& technique

Mark Twain


Native US
500 Nations





Year 2,000


en anglais


Cultural and
teaching sites



écrit et oral

(M. Michlin)

BAC 98
par académie

And Tech




(Phil Benz)




de la Page

(C. Miquel)

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Visual Page


et inter

On Famous


Septembre 1998

© Jean S. Sahaï 1996-1998.

HAROLD: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn't do?
TEACHER: Of course not.
HAROLD: Good, because I didn't do my homework!