Agrégation externe : sujets de dissertation de tronc commun (1970-1999)

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Cette page regroupe les sujets de dissertation proposés à l'agrégation externe de 1970 à 1999.




The persistence of desire in the poems of George Herbert.


Dissertation en anglais

The lovely and the sublime in The Mysteries of Udolpho.

Composition en français

Commentez, en l'appliquant à la période 1830-1890, ce jugement porté par l'historien William H. Lyon sur la politique indienne des Etats-Unis et les sentiments des citoyens américains :"[...] Anglo-Americans' preconceived notions about Indians in general were often ambiguous, contradictory, and stereotypical. The federal government's Indian policy vacillated throughout the nineteenth century between segregation and assimilation, tribal sovereignty and individual treatment, retaliation and peace. From time to time citizen groups attempted extermination. The government inconsistently pursued one course or another. Depending on their proximity and experience, Indians were good, bad, admired, hated."


Tronc commun

Disorder in Sanctuary.

Option A

Liberté et contrainte dans le poésie de Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Option B

Commenter ce jugement relevé dans The Observer du 4 novembre 1973 : "However one looks at it, the passing of the Reform Bill of 1832, that curtain-raiser to the early Victorian age, remains a striking and epochal event - partly because its sweeping changes in the electoral set-up were soon to prove so nicely calculated not to overturn the threatened superiority of the ruling order."


Tronc commun

Duplicity in Julius Caesar.

Option A

L'ordre du monde et l'ordre de l'écriture dans Kim de Rudyard Kipling.

Option B

Vous commenterez ce jugement d'Estelle Freedman, en l'appliquant à la période 1845-1875 : "[...] a major strength of American feminism prior to 1920 was the separate female community that helped sustain women's participation in both social reform and political activism... . Most feminists did not adopt the radical demands for equal status with men that originated at the Seneca Falls convention of 1848. Rather, they preferred to retain membership in a separate female sphere, [...] one in which women could be free to create their own forms of personal, social, and political relationships."


Tronc commun

Generation in Beloved by Toni Morrison.

Option A

La rhétorique de la dissimulation dans The Way of the World de William Congreve.

Option B

Le Chant d'Amour d'Edward Burne-Jones inspirait à Ch. Moreau-Vauthier dans Les Chefs-d'œuvre des grands maîtres (1908) le commentaire suivant : "Ici nous voyons des êtres exceptionnels et bizarrement figurés qui considèrent l'amour non pas comme une passion grave et respectable, mais comme un divertissement de raffinés. Comment le peuple s'intéresserait-il à ce rébus et quelle leçon pourrait-il y prendre ? C'est ainsi qu'après avoir obtenu les approbations d'un public très restreint d'amateurs et d'artistes, les préraphaélites ont disparu sans avoir rempli la tâche d'éducateurs qu'ils s'étaient attribuée et en ne laissant que de rares traces de leur tentative et de leur échec." Commentez et discutez ce bilan en étayant votre argumentation de références précises à la production préraphaélite.


Tronc commun

Separateness in Nostromo.

Option A

La discrétion de l'horreur dans les contes d'Edgar Allan Poe.

Option B

Commentez ce jugement de Paul W. Conner : "The second portion of Franklin's Autobiography would order the lives of the players in the game of life, and thereby give order to politics. Franklin's espousal of this cause was no sudden event. For years he had been a combined moral critic, social reformer and political activist. His entire public life, in fact, might be seen as a quest for political order." Poor Richard's Politicks: Benjamin Franklin and his New American Order, Oxford University Press (1965).


Tronc commun

Sublimity in Lord Byron's Don Juan.

Option A

La circulation dans Waterland.

Option B

Le Thatchérisme a peut-être marqué une révolution dans le domaine de l'économie, mais la révolution culturelle, qui faisait également partie de ses ambitions aura été plus difficile à faire. Commentez.


Tronc commun

Perspective in Troilus and Cressida.

Option A

L'éphémère et l'intemporel dans Ulysses.

Option B

Commentez l'appréciation portée par John Hollingshead en 1861 sur les classes laborieuses : "They increase and multiply, and all for what? To become paupers; to glut the labour market; to keep their wages down at starvation point, to swell the profits of capital. They look to everyone to relieve them, but make few efforts to relieve themselves. The most perfect poor-law; the most perfect administration of that poor-law; the most lavish charity can do nothing for them compared to the wonders of self-help." Ragged London in 1861, London and Melbourne: Everyman's Library, Dent (1986).


Tronc commun

Foul play in Henry IV Part One.

Option A

Tendre est la nuit, ou le Voyage au bout de la nuit.

Option B

Le concept de "quatrième pouvoir" est-il périmé aujourd'hui ?


Tronc commun

Consummation in Keats's poetry.

Option A

Roman de la stratégie et stratégies du roman dans Wuthering Heights.

Option B

Commentez l'appréciation suivante en l'appliquant aux débuts du puritanisme américain : "The Puritan mind tended to blur the distinctions between secular and ecclesiastical history, between political and spiritual exhortation, between private and public welfare, between history and allegory." G.T. Couser, American Autobiography: The Prophetic Mode, Amherst: University of Masschusetts Press (1979).


Tronc commun

Flux in The Wild Palms.

Option A

The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner ou le roman du vertige.

Option B

Commentez l'appréciation suivante : "Hobbes, after all, worked with an impossible psychology and sought no more than the prescription against disorder. [...] But Locke saw that the main problem of the State is the conquest of freedom and it was for its definition in terms of individual good that he above all stood." H.J. Laski, Thought in England: From Locke to Bentham, Oxford University Press (1920), édition de 1961.


Tronc commun

Otherness in Othello.

Option A

Directions et dérives dans A House for Mr Biswas.

Option B

"Rather than obliterating or homogenizing the immigrant family, the industrial experience, at least in America, enabled new forms and responses to evolve." Caroline Golab, in Richard L. Ehrlich (ed.), Immigrants in Industrial America, Charlottesville, The University of Virginia Press (1977).


Tronc commun

Showmanship in The Floating Opera.

Option A

L'ambivalence dans The Monk.

Option B

A propos de la période 1945-1985 en Angleterre, peut-on, à la suite de Philip Toynbee, définir l'Establishment comme une "ever-changing, never-changing class"? ("The Governing Class", The Twentieth Century, volume 162, octobre 1957)


Tronc commun

Private worlds in The Years.

Option A

Quête initiatique et dérision dans The Crying of Lot 49.

Option B

Commentez cette phrase de Stan Steiner en l'étendant à l'ensemble des minorités hispaniques aux Etats-Unis : "The Chicano has been born of cultural contradictions that go far back into history. The ability of these people to integrate an opposing culture, which they assimilated, is equally remarkable. Instead of becoming a one-sided mirror image of the cultures which have conquered them - or which they have imitated- they have ingeniously achieved a synthesis of cultures and made them their own." "The Mexican-Americans", Minority Rights Group Report, numéro 39 (1979).