
Agrégation interne d'anglais 2001

La "destinée manifeste" des États-Unis au XIXème siècle

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Manifest Destiny as exposed by Philip Benz.

Manifest Destiny Forum - transcript de la Conférence virtuelle du 29 Sept. 2000 sur tappedin.org

Faire le tri sur le net : > pour la préparation de l'agreg, il est délicat de se servir de sites web pour traiter une question aussi sensible et idéologiquement chargée que celle de MD! Faites attention à ce que vous lisez (travaillez sur les bouquins de la bibliographie, c'est plus que suffisant!!!) et si vous voulez absolument utiliser internet, faites très attention à tous ces sites maintenus par des groupes patriotiques et/ou religieux: ce ne sont pas des historiens !!!! Ou alors servez vous des sources primaires (mais faites aussi attention à ce qu'elles ne soient pas tronquées: on peut faire dire ce qu'on veut à un texte en coupant des morceaux !). Vigilance donc! - un collègue, nov. 00.

> Oulà, se méfier des sites web, je suis bien d'accord. Inutile de chercher la petite bête, l'important est de connaître à fond le déroulement des événements pour ensuite essayer de les mettre en rapport les uns avec les autres dans la logique MD.

Les bouquins proposés par la biliographie sont déjà à élaguer sérieusement...
L'analyse perso que vous aurez établie après avoir bien acquis la chronologie des évènements, vaut bien les analyses proposées sur ces sites web, et le plus souvent, vaut bien aussi celle des experts.

Ce que le jury recherche lors de l'épreuve, c'est votre analyse perso, pas celle de Pierpoljak qu'il connaît aussi bien que vous.
Good luck... -Nico, agrégé, nov. 00.

> Quelques sites intéressants communiqués par une candidate (Déc. 00):



leutze painting

Emmanuel Leutze, "Westward the Course of Empire" (1861).

In the late 19th century, the US government intended to destroy tribal governments and break up Indian reservations under what was then considered the progressive Manifest Destiny Doctrine, for 'God has made us the masters organizers of the world to establish system where the chaos reigns...' -Albert T. Beverage, before the US Senate.

This non-biased information page corresponds to the
official curriculum for Agrégation d'Anglais, a competitive exam
for French teachers of English.

Extrait du Programme Officiel (BOEN, 18 Mai 2000) :

La "destinée manifeste" des États-Unis au XIXème siècle : aspects idéologiques et politiques.

Sans se limiter à l'extension territoriale généralement associée à ce concept au milieu du XIXème siècle, l'on s'intéressera également aux prémices d'une idéologie expansionniste et "exceptionnaliste" dans l'histoire américaine pour mieux appréhender la totalité d'une période qui, de l'achat de la Louisiane à l'acquisition des Philippines, vit les États-Unis pratiquer un républicanisme conquérant et se construire une rhétorique ethnocentrique et missionnaire pour le justifier.

In the news : Sept. 2000 "The head of the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs apologized Friday for the agency's "legacy of racism and inhumanity" that included massacres, forced relocations of tribes and attempts to wipe out Indian languages and cultures..." Full text.

Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny: jingoistic tenet holding that territorial expansion of the United States is not only inevitable but divinely ordained. The phrase was first used by the American journalist and diplomat John Louis O'Sullivan, in an editorial supporting annexation of Texas, in the July-August 1845 edition of the United States Magazine and Democratic Review, a magazine that featured literature and nationalist opinion.
The phrase was later used by expansionists in all political parties to justify the acquisition of California, the Oregon Territory, and Alaska. By the end of the 19th century the doctrine was being applied to the proposed annexation of various islands in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. -
"Manifest Destiny,"
Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2000 - http://encarta.msn.com © 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  • Bibliographie établie par Serge Ricard, Université Paris-3.

  • Bibliographie de la BU d'Angers.

  • Chronologie-de Jean-Paul Gabilliet, Université Bordeaux-III - US Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny: 1750-1917.

GONE WEST VIDEO - The Growth of a Nation, videocassette, for introducing the Westward Movement or suggesting topics for closer study, this overview paints a broad-brush picture of America's expansion from 1650 to 1900.
By means of animated maps, period art, and reenactments in historic settings, students learn how Spain, England, and France yielded up vast territories to settlement by the United States.
Among the subjects covered: the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark, the fur trade, war with Mexico, life on the Santa Fe and Oregon trails, gold in California, homesteading, and the transcontinental railroad. The program ends with a review quiz. VHS video, 21 photocopy masters, guide.
ž no publicity intended.

Manifest Destiny

1. une idéologie expansionniste et "exceptionnaliste"

  • Cartes historiques des Etats-Unis.

  • Interactive maps illustrating the Territorial Expansion of the US, 1783-1898 (University of Oregon), outlining westward expansion as well as the spread of slavery throughout U.S. territories. Once the Shockwave component loads, click on the map(s) and see the changes!

  • American People Creating a Nation and a Society: histoire des USA, cartes en couleurs très claires (progression de la frontière, annexions...) textes fondateurs.

  • Brief timeline of American Literature and Events 1620-1920 : des tableaux mettant en regard dates, événements historiques et littéraires. des repères, des liens...

  • Outline of American History histoire, textes historiques importants...

  • National Digital Library Program - access to the various American History and American Culture holdings at the Library of Congress including photographs, rare manuscripts, books, maps, sound recordings, and video recordings. Thematic multimedia collections, a Learning Page section with background information on each collection, lesson plans, professional development information, educational games.

  • Dépt d'histoire de l'Univ Hong-Kong - textes américains importants avec courte introduction, questions, plans de cours, excellentes bases pour des fiches. (Westward Expansion, Economic Growth in the Gilded Age, International Role of the USA, Colouring the Map : A Chronicle of 19th-century Imperialism), textes, essays...

  • Territorial expansion was but one element in the American idea of progress. In 1839, journalist John L. O'Sullivan called it 'Manifest Destiny'.

  • PBS - Manifest Destiny Resource : the ideal behind the push for expansion into the west, historian's views regarding the philosophy. No nation ever existed without some sense of national destiny or purpose. Manifest Destiny -- a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental expansion by the United States -- revitalized a sense of "mission" or national destiny for many Americans.

  • The phrase first appears in print in July of 1845 in the "Democratic Review" in reference to the Texas issue. O'Sullivan was trying to defend the American claim to Texas and he mentioned that the United States had a Manifest Destiny to overspread the continent with its multiplying millions. That's one part of an effort to try to maintain and strengthen American republicanism -- to extend the boundaries of the United States was to extend the area of freedom. O'Sullivan on manifest destiny in 1839.

  • This was a common feeling. The model republic had certain obligations. People over and over were talking about democracy as the best form of government -- that it was adapted to the happiness of mankind and was God's plan for mankind. The kind of republican government that United States had was providentially provided since we were the favored nation of God. So, with a spirit of reform, you don't just stand still -- you bring the blessing of self-government to as broad an area as possible, extending the area of freedom.

  • This was a romantic notion that through an act of will, Americans could achieve this greatness for themselves and for their nation. So, Manifest Destiny was an important element that involved so much more than simply extending boundaries. - Robert W. Johanssen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, A Go-Ahead Nation.

  • Expansionism and MD Outline: background of U.S. foreign policy, causes of American expansionism and colonization of TX, Ore, and Ca.
  • The people of the United States felt it was their mission to extend the "boundaries of freedom" to others by imparting their idealism and belief in democratic institutions to those who were capable of self-government. It excluded those people who were perceived as being incapable of self-government, such as Native American people and those of non-European origin.

  • The term "Manifest Destiny" was, in part, an expression of a genuine ideal on the part of Americans. But it was also a justification, in that they wanted territory and needed an excuse or justification for a push into territory that they did not control. More broadly stated, Manifest Destiny was a conviction that God intended North America to be under the control of Americans. It's a kind of early projection of Anglo-saxon supremacy and there's a racist element to it. But there was also an idealistic element. It was very hard to measure the two, since it would differ from person to person. If you asked a person to define Manifest Destiny, he might tell you it is an ideal, or he might say, "Well, we want the land and this is the easiest way to justify our taking it." - David M. Pletcher, Indiana University, An Ideal or a Justification?
  • "Was Manifest Destiny a true expression of our national spirit? Frederick Merk rejects inevitability in favor of a more contingent interpretation of American expansionism in the 1840s. MANIFEST DESTINY AND MISSION IN AMERICAN HISTORY by FREDERICK MERK, 304 pp., ISBN 0-674-54805-1, American History, Harvard edition.

  • Utopia, dystopia and myopia in the late 19th century.

  • A (disputed) Philosophy.

  • GONE WEST VIDEO - The Growth of a Nation, videocassette, for introducing the Westward Movement or suggesting topics for closer study, this overview paints a broad-brush picture of America's expansion from 1650 to 1900. By means of animated maps, period art, and reenactments in historic settings, students learn how Spain, England, and France yielded up vast territories to settlement by the United States. Among the subjects covered: the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark, the fur trade, war with Mexico, life on the Santa Fe and Oregon trails, gold in California, homesteading, and the transcontinental railroad. The program ends with a review quiz.VHS video, 21 photocopy masters, guide.
Manifest Destiny

2. une rhétorique ethnocentrique et missionnaire

  • President Andrew Jackson on Indian Removal - extract: "...Humanity has often wept over the fate employed in devising means to avert it, but its progress has never for a moment been arrested, and one by one have many powerful tribes disappeared from the earth. To follow to the tomb the last of his race and to tread on the graves of extinct nations excite melancholy reflections. But true philanthropy reconciles the mind to these vicissitudes as it does to the extinction of one generation to make room for another (...)." :-((

  • Info on all the Presidents of the US.

Pages détaillées consacrées à "La Politique Indienne des Etats-Unis 1840-1890" (Agrég. 96).

The American People - Creating a Nation and a Society - histoire des USA, cartes et textes fondateurs. Les cartes sont en couleurs et très claires (progression de la frontière, annexions, etc)...

Aboriginal Resources - a goldmine of information. Pay particular attention to the legal section on treaties, the Indian Removal Act of 1830...

Native American Displacement Amid U.S. Expansion.

  • Brief timeline of American Literature and Events 1620-1920 - tableaux mettant en regard dates, événements historiques et littéraires. Beaucoup de repères, et de liens.

  • Outline of American History - histoire claire et intéressante, textes historiques importants.

  • Département d'histoire de l'université de Hong-Kong - les textes américains importants avec courte introduction et questions, plans de cours, excellentes bases pour des fiches. (Westward Expansion, Economic Growth in the Gilded Age, International Role of the USA, Colouring the Map: A Chronicle of 19th-century Imperialism...). Il y a aussi des textes et des "essays".

  • Indian Policy chronology.

  • Components of Manifest Destiny: the religious influence - the idea that America had a divine providence; a sense of a mission - some were driven by what they considered God's will...; the dark side, non darker than the plight of the American Indian, the belief that the white man had the right to destroy anything and anyone who got in the way... by Michael T. Lubragge.
  • An interesting symbolic portrayal of Manifest Destiny shows "Columbia", the great American angel woman, floating over the plains. Ahead of her, in the West, is a great darkness populated by wild animals. There are bears and wolves, and Indian people, who are fleeing her light. In her wake come farms, villages and homesteads and in the back are cities and railroads. As the figure progresses across the land, the light of civilization dispels the darkness of ignorance and barbarity. In this painting (see the site), Native American people are portrayed along with the animals and the darkness. They have to be removed before Columbia can bring the prosperity promised to the United States. It's an interesting portrayal and, I think, very symbolic of the thinking of many Americans during the mid-19th century. - A Conversation With R. David Edmunds University of Texas at Dallas.

  • The Gospel of Force by Bertrand Shadwell

  • Military Indian Policy.

  • Extermination and Assimilation

  • The Army as Instrument of the US Indian Policy. 
  • America, the New Israel "We shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us...," John Winthrop wrote. The Puritans who disembarked in Massachusetts in 1620 believed they were establishing the New Israel. Indeed, the whole colonial enterprise was believed to have been guided by God. "God hath opened this passage unto us," Alexander Whitaker preached from Virginia in 1613, "and led us by the hand unto this work."

    Promised Land imagery figured prominently in shaping English colonial thought. The pilgrims identified themselves with the ancient Hebrews. They viewed the New World as the New Canaan. They were God¨s chosen people headed for the Promised Land.

    Other colonists believed they, too, had been divinely called. The settlers in Virginia were, John Rolf said, "a peculiar people, marked and chosen by the finger of God." This self-image of being God¨s Chosen People called to establish the New Israel became an integral theme in America¨s self-interpretation.

  • From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare: why Indian Policy failed in the Prairie. 
Manifest Destiny

3. un républicanisme conquérant et anti-expansionnisme

" There are two things I am most grateful for in my life.
The first is that I was born a descendant of the genuine Americans, the Indians;

The second, that my birth happened in the year 1888. In that year the Indians of my tribe, the Colvile (Swy-ayl-puh), were well into the cycle of history involving their readjustment in living conditions. They were in a pathetic state of turmoil caused by trying to learn how to till the soil for a living, which was being done on a very small and crude scale.

It was no easy matter for members of this aboriginal stock, accustomed to making a different livelihood (by the bow and arrow), to handle the plow and sow seed for food. Yet I was born long enough ago to have known people who lived in the ancient way before everything started to change." Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket), 1888-1936, A Salishan Autobiography.

William James (1861-1910) was actively involved with the anti-imperialist movement from its start.. In 1907 he acted as a vice-president of a meeting on the neutralization of the Philippines organized by the Anti-Imperialist League in Boston, and in 1910 he signed its petition calling for Philippine independence.

  • Shades of MD: Imperialism, yellow journalism, Kipling's White man's burden, Monroe doctrine + Roosevelt corollary.

  • Obstacles to Expansion - a confidential letter by Theodore Roosevelt, 1897.

    Take up the White Man's burden-
    Send forth the best ye breed--
    Go bind your sons to exile
    To serve your captives' need;
    To wait in heavy harness,
    On fluttered folk and wild --
    Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
    Half-devil and half-child.

    Complete text of "The White Man's Burden". Kipling's poem was published in Feb. 1899, at a critical moment in the debate about imperialism within the United States. The Philippine-American War began on February 4 and two days later the U.S. Senate ratified the Treaty of Paris that officially ended the Spanish-American War, ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States, and placed Cuba under U.S. control.

    The poem is an appeal to the United States to assume the task of developing the Philippines, recently won in the Spanish-American War. Its title phrase became
    an euphemism for imperialism...

  • White Man's Burden and Its Critics by Jim Zwick.

  • Anti-Imperialism in the United States, 1898-1935 (Jim Zwick). Excellent resource about the domestic reactions to the spread of US imperialism. Contains primary source readings from newspapers and essays from the era, including Mark Twain.

Space Cowboys: > après l'explosion en vol de la navette spatiale Challenger en 1986, le Président Ronald Reagan a déclaré:

"We have grown used to the idea of space,
and perhaps we forget that we have just begun.
We are still pioneers.
They, the members of the Challenger crew,
were pioneers."

Citation tiré d'un petit livre fort utile:

Chronologie thématique des Etats-Unis
par Annie et Jean-François Lhétéré,
Nathan U, collection "128"
49 F (ou plus en province) .

High-School lesson sequences by Robert Cohen, with many resource links: "Where a man or body of men, an Emperor, a President, a Congress, or a Nation, claims the absolute right to rule a people, to compel the submission of that people by brute force, to decide what rights they shall have, what taxes they shall pay, what judges shall administer their laws, what men shall govern them,--all without responsibility to the people thus governed--this is imperialism, the antithesis of free government". (Anti-Imperialist League, 1901).

I answer, We govern the Indians without their consent, we govern our territories without their consent, we govern our children without their consent.

I answer, How do you assume that our government would be without their consent? Would not the people of the Philippines prefer the just, humane, civilizing government of this republic to the savage, bloody rule of pillage and extortion from which we have rescued them?"
(Albert J. Beveridge, "March of the Flag," 16 September 1898)

'Inasmuch as the Indian refused to fade out, but multiplied under the sheltering care of reservation life, and the reservation itself was slipping away from him, there was but one alternative: either he must be endured as a lawless savage, a constant menace to civilized life, or he must be fitted to become a part of that life and be absorbed into it. To permit him to be a roving savage was unendurable, and therefore the task of fitting him for civilized life was undertaken..." - H. L. Dawes, HAVE WE FAILED WITH THE INDIAN ? Atlantic Monthly, New York 1899, Volume 84, pp. 280-285. Larger extract (Virginia edu library).

> Mail: Attention à ne pas réduire "Manifest Destiny" à la seule question indienne. Il faut garder à l'esprit que ce concept concerne toutes les populations qui gênaient l'expansion territoriale, Indiens, Mexicains, Français, Espagnols,... et que la notion renaît à la fin du (XIX°) siècle quand se pose la question de la nécessité de se constituer ou non un Empire (comme les autres nations, France, Grande Bretagne, Allemagne, Belgique...). Le vrai épilogue de "MD" serait la fin de l'"expansionnisme" américain...

"Americans are forcing even their friends into becoming their enemies. It is curious that the Americans, who calculate so carefully on the possibilities of military victory, do not realize that in the process they are incurring deep psychological and political defeat. The image of America will never again be the image of revolution, freedom, and democracy, but the image of violence and militarism."- Martin Luther King.


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---- DE JURY











-Antony & Cleopatra


-Joyce's Dubliners

Manifest Destiny

Great Expectations

Poverty in -Britain








MUSIC ------- & SONG























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